The Giver (1993) by Lois Lowry

★★★★★ 5/5

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This haunting story centers on Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment. Not until he’s given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community. – Goodreads




Fiction/Classic / Can be read easily, hard to put it down

It is hard to believe that I am just reading this book at 21 years old, especially since it was such a hit in some high school classes I always managed to avoid reading it – and wow, do I ever regret it!

The whole setting and idea of the society within this story is amazing enough, it is creative, manageable, and well structured. I loved hearing about the transitions children go through each year, and it was amazing to read this and have the citizens act so naturally with it because for their society it is all they know.

And then that’s when you have your twist. I do not want to spoil this book because it really is amazing and I suggest each and every one of you read it. The story really made me appreciate the good and the bad of what we experience in our lives and you get to explore your own morals and beliefs while you are held in suspense about the character’s choice of action.

"Life here is so orderly, so predictable - so painless. It's what they've

The Martian (2011) by Andy Weir

★★★★★ 5/5

Processed with VSCO with hb1 presetAfter a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate the planet while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded on Mars’ surface, completely alone, with no way to signal Earth that he’s alive. And even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone years before a rescue could arrive. – Goodreads




Science Fiction / <500 Pages / Medium Difficulty read – because of the science aspect.

I couldn’t resist giving this 5 stars, I am a huge space nerd and I am doing an undergraduate degree in Geology – so I loved every minute of this read.

I seen a book about an astronaut, of course I had to buy it. I snagged it at a huge book fair for just two dollars!

Yes, there is a huge science aspect to this story, but it is not long winded and it is explained in simple terms. I think that even if you do not have a strong background in science that you can enjoy this book if science interests you at all!

I was in suspense the whole read. I loved how funny Mark Watney was, I’m glad I read this story from a character who was hopeful, innovative, and hilarious. If I would of had to read this from a character who was complaining or felt doomed the whole time, well I probably wouldn’t of read very much.

The novel is set up into astronaut logs and conferences at NASA, the set up makes the read flow great and builds suspense.

This read was perfect for me.

"Mars is a barren wasteland and I am completely alone here. I already knew
that, of course. But there is a difference between knowing it and really experiencing it. 
All around me there was nothing but dust, rocks, and endless empty desert in 
all directions. The planet's famous red color is from iron oxide coating everything. 
So it's not just a desert. It's a desert so old it's literally rusting."